HealthCloud contributes to health improvement

through providing user oriented innovative service and platfrom


Digital Healthcare

Artificial Intelligence

Senior Care

IoT Platfrom

Data Analysis

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Big Data


HC Service


Source data classification and processing solutions for AI(Artificial Intelligence) learnin

Authoring tools for disease, symptom-specific classification and severity labeling using cloud-based image data

Healthcloud-AI, a crowdsourcing source data collection and processing platform for advancing AI technology and services, provides specialized services to enhance expertise in the healthcare sector.

We have built over 100,000 big data records and processed scalp image data of Koreans for AI learning. To achieve this, we developed and provided a tool that incorporates criteria for determining the severity of skin diseases to institutions. This has contributed to securing competitiveness in the AI healthcare market and establishing an AI data processing and inspection platform. 

SPHR (Senior Personal Health Record) 

A solution for supporting needs asssessment and care tasks for long-term care facility service recipients

A scalable system that efficiently provides activities for the needs assessment stage of service recipients in long-term care facilities. 

We support efficient healthcare management services that enable the measurement and management of individual patients' health statuses across multiple institutions, including home care nursing, community senior centers, and elderly welfare centers (daycare centers).

Senior Care Managers can efficiently manage care recipients and schedules, assess and record overall health status, and periodically measure and manage the health status of seniors, with the ability to access and utilize historical data.

SCM (Senior Care Management System)

A program that provides personalized services based on individualized data, recording and managing the needs assessment and health information of seniors, enabling tailored care service planning based on the individual's physical, cognitive, emotional, and medical condition. This program offers systematic recording and reporting, facilitating customized service delivery.  

A video-based content service program where modular, independent videos are managed in a database, allowing for tailored educational schedules for seniors through various combinations of videos on a monthly or quarterly basis.

Senior-tailored service outcomes and performance satisfaction can be recorded and managed, with automated generation and provision of result reports.


Tel.     +82-33-1522-8930


Head Office

708, H Tower, 19 Hyeoksin-ro, Wonju-si, Gangwon-do, Republic of Korea (26460) 

Branch Office

6045, 6F, 54 Seolleung-ro 93-gil, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea (06151)

HEALTHCLOUD., Ltd            CEO : TEO, LIM       |       Business registration number : 815-81-02020        |        Tel : +82-33-1522-8930

@Copyright 2023. All Right Reserved.

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